Re: dhcpcd problems...
> Chris wrote:
> > Also every time I shut the machine off it releases the IP lease, which
> > results in the lease only lasting for the period in which the machine is
> > turned on. Why does it need to release the IP lease? Surely it should
> > hold onto it so that it can use the same IP on the next boot (until the
> > lease really expires). Can I (and should I?) stop it doing this?
This will happen if the network you are on is running low on ip addresses.
Basically when you shutdown, I believe the server knows. Then, it will
try to give out IP's that haven't been used before to new users or users
who's ip was taken. Then it falls back to giving out any ip address that
is free. When you boot up, you ask for the ip, and if it's available, you
should get it. I'd suggest contacting the network admin (or service
provider) and ask if they have enough ip's that you should have a stable
ip address.
Brandon Mitchell <> "We all know linux is great... it
PGP: finger -l does infinite loops in 5 seconds"
Phone: (757) 221-4847 --Linus Torvalds
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