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Re: dhcpcd problems...

When you look at the log do you see that your dhcp client is requesting an IP
address that it isn't being granted? It's probably trying to get its old IP
and the server won't give it.

I haven't read the RFC but I'll bet that releasing the lease on shutdown is
compliant behavior. What would be the point of having a pool of IP addresses
which could be handed out to any host if each client insisted on holding on
to its address? In a lan environment this might (but not if people sometimes
bring in laptops, etc.) be ok but for a situation like an ISP it would be

Chris wrote:

> I am having a problem with my dhcp client.
> Basically the machine taking extremely long time to obtain an IP address.
> The machine is sending a DHCPREQUEST allright, and this is being answered
> by the server with the DHCPOFFER.  However the sends several more
> requests before it starts to work.
> Also every time I shut the machine off it releases the IP lease, which
> results in the lease only lasting for the period in which the machine is
> turned on.  Why does it need to release the IP lease?  Surely it should
> hold onto it so that it can use the same IP on the next boot (until the
> lease really expires).  Can I (and should I?) stop it doing this?
> I would appreciate any information.  Thanks all,
> Chris
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