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Re: NCPFS seems broken on 2.1 kernels...

Eloy A. Paris wrote:

> At 12:03 PM 2/16/98 +0000, Kevin cave wrote:
> >Sorry to be a pest, but can you tell me where I can find the Incoming
> >directory? I'm probably being a bit daft, but I can't seem to find it under
> >ftp.debian.org - if that's where it is..
> Since the package ncpfsx is new, processing takes longer than for packages
> that already exist so it'll take some time until you see it in the main
> Hamm distribution. New packages always stay in the Incoming directory of
> master.debian.org that is the directory that receives package uploads done
> by the Debian maintainers.

Thanks Eloy - I knew that was what the reason was... I just didn't knowthe
location of a site that mirrored the debian-incoming directory, but thanks
to your good self, now I do!

> If you want to use a new package before it is integrated into the main
> distribution, you need to use a site that mirrors that directory. Try
> ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/pub/debian-incoming.
> Regards,
> E.-

I've downloaded the package now, and will try it out later today.
I'll get back to you on whether i'm successfull or not with it soon.


Kevin Cave. A Scotsman living in London.
Registered Linux User #64441
email: kcave@unix.pims.co.uk

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