Re: Which Linux distribution??? (John Spence) writes:
> One interesting point: I've noticed that it is very common for
> people to move to Debian after using other distributions. I would
> make a guess and claim that there aren't too many people who migrate
> from Debian to another dist after using Debian for at least a couple
> of months.
You are absolutely true. My first Linux was SLS back in 1993. After
a period of 2.5 years of not using Linux due to limited hard disc
space I started with the SuSE distribution. Some month later I tried
Red Hat 4.2 and Debian 1.2 and finally stuck with Debian. It was the
only system that had both the advantages of both a good package system
and a fine-control on configuring the packages. For example, compare
the SuSE tool Yast which configure ALL the package with a huge
/etc/rc.config file and the package-related /usr/sbin/<package>config
idea found in Debian.
I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
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