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DEBIAN does not find my harddisk!!


I'm a  15-year old unexperienced Debian user and I have a problem
installing it.
I've got an old 386 IBM PS/2 55 SX computer and when I start debian
installation everything works quite well. (there are some error
messages, but I don't know if they are relevant for my problem : 'PPA:
unable to initialise controller at 0x308, error 1' and 'PS/2 ESDI:
Attention error. interrupt status: EF'). After that it  is searching for

the harddisk and it is doing something with it (you can hear it) and it
then it displays the number of sectors and so on.. After that the kernel

is loaded and the installation begins. Everything is fine until I want
to create a swap disk. When the partion-program is loaded it says, that
it can't find a harddisk. Why is this? It had already worked with the
drive and it also told me the number of sectors, clusters and heads. If
someone could help me I would be very thankful!

Many, many, many thanks in advance!!!!!!

Nils Sandmann

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