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Re: kernel sound defaults wrong?

Rick Hawkins wrote:
> After playing for an extended period with the default settings, I finally
> figured out why my sound card wouldn't work:  the defaults in the kernel
> package use Irq 7 rather than 5.  Isn't 5 the standard on this?

"standard"? Surely you jest. Yeah, it's also the "standard" for a lot
of other ISA cards whose manufacturer decided that 5 should be the
"standard" IRQ for their board. I believe this myth has originated
because the Creative Labs Soundblaster board factory-defaults to an
IRQ of 5. This by no means makes it a standard. Since there are only
15 IRQs on the Intel (AT) platform and closer to half of them are 
actually usable by add-on boards, there can't ever be a standard on
a given board (or board-type, eg. "sound card") using a certain IRQ.
Granted there are "tendencies" one sees among manufacturers.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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