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Re: Pine

On Mon, 1 Dec 1997, Jeremy Blonde wrote:

> I'm trying to setup pine and so far I can't figure a couple of things out.
> I want it to download email from my isp.  Right now I don't care about local
> mail (I'll work with that later).  However I keep getting a imap error?  I
> have the domain set correctly (cardina.net, see email address below).  And I
> have the smtp server set to mail.cardina.net (obviously our mail server).
> But what should I have for my inbox path {mail.cardina.net}?.  Am I missing
> something else?  Do I need smail correctly configured?  If so, what do I

As mentioned by other people, you may wish to not use IMAP at all.  If you
do, though, you might try "{mail.cardina.net}inbox".  If this doesn't
work, then I don't know.

> need to edit.  Also for some reason when and email is sent to
> root@jeremy.cardina.net (I have static ip) it doesn't go to my inbox, it
> goes to the sysadmin's.  Any help would be appreciated.

This is probably a result of configuring your smail using the "satellite" 
option.  Re-run smailconfig and configure your site with the "internet
host" option or with whatever option allows only the local delivery of
mail to avoid this. You could then create a ~jeremy/.forward file to
forward mail to your ISP, so that you'd read it along with all your other
mail. (though the .forward wouldn't work if you only allow local delivery
of mail)

Alternatively, you could have pine use the default inbox, and then add
your ISP's imap stuff as another "collection" - in the config.  menus
there's some option that talks about mail collections - add one called
"{mail.cardina.net}[]".  However, the .forward option mentioned above is
probably a better idea, unless you have some reason to want to disable
outgoing mail by other users on your machine.

As mentioned by others though, why do this to yourself?  Use fetchmail
combined with pine looking only locally unless you have a real reason to
store mail on your ISP's machine.

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