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help needed installing hamm

hi everybody,

I've got a newbie index of 2 in a 0..10 range :-)

I've tried to update from a fresh install of bo to hamm but couldn't;
as I'd like very mutch to experiment with hamm & 2.0.30 now I decided
to try a fresh install of hamm; how do I do that? the set of disks I
can see in ftp.debian.org/debian/hamm/../disks-i386 are bo based!

btw: if there's no way to fresh-install hamm would you please help me
with upgrading from bo? my problem is:

I tried to follow the libc5-libc6-HOWTO but failed on the second step:
'dpkg -i ldso_???' worked fine but 'dpkg -i libc6_???' failed due to a
conflict with libc5; am I missing something obvious? is there an other
HOWTO on this subject?


Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\

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