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Re: Using Linux with Win95

From: "Alistair Phillips" <phiali@iafrica.com>
> 1.	Will it overwrite my execisting boot sector?

It'll ask before it writes the MBR. You can say no and boot with a floppy,
or you can install a boot manager and get it to boot Debian from the partition
boot block. Our MBR will also boot Windows 95, hold down the shift key while
booting, and when you see the 1234FA: prompt (some numbers may be missing,
depending what partitions are bootable) press the partition number you want
it to boot. The "activate" command or the "fdisk" command change the default
boot partition, and you can use these to change it to Win 95 and Linux and back.

> 2.	How can I get my computer to boot up to Win95 as default, but to Linux

Using a boot floppy is easiest. It'll make a floppy for you during installation.
You can try the other methods as you gain experience.

> 3.	Can I access my DOS side from Linux?

You can mount "msdos" partitions or "vfat" (Windows 95 long file name)
partitions. I think you might have a problem if you have the newer 32-bit
FAT partitions, but I have no idea when Windows would make one of these.

> 4.	Where can I get the documentation from?  I think that I will really need
it ;-)

It's all on the CD. Install the "man" package and you should be able to type
"man mount", etc. Also, look on our web site.

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Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   510-215-3502

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