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Re: upgrade path

On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Bruce Perens wrote:
> We want it to be easy for people to upgrade. However, it's currently
> difficult for people who had 1.1 on their systems to upgrade to 1.3,
> because the best way to do this was to install 1.2 and then 1.3 . You can
I understand your troubles but could a way be made to help people upgrade
only some packages rather than than the whole system - unless forced to do
so by dependencies to the kernel etc. 

What I mean is that I may want to keep 1.1 forever but if a new, say,
Emacs package comes up I may want to upgrade my old emacs package. 

I don't want to be trying to keep up with every 1.X upgrade with the fear
that if I don't I would not be able to upgrade in some near future. Some
of us like our boxes to do real work rather than just hobbies - once we
get the system to work we don't want to be forced to upgrade all the time.
Especially since upgrading itself (always for me) produces other new
problems. 1.2 worked fine, but I upgraded to 1.3.1 and now my monitor does
not do 800x600. Now I would have been happy at 1.2, since 1.3 does not
give me anything new except problems. Forgive my rantings here but the
point is there should be a simpler way to upgrade from 1.1 to 1.3 - just
say what needs to change - it should be less than half the work of

D.J. Mashao,                         mashaodj@sunserver.engin.brown.edu

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