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Reading news offline (Was: Using "suck" to transfer news....)

>>>>> "JC" == Jason Costomiris <jcostom@sjis.com> writes:

JC> innxmit is a part of the inn package.  However, it is almost
JC> *never* directly invoked.  It usually gets called by nntpsend,
JC> after it parses the nntpsend.ctl file.

Ok, I just follow the suck man page, but I must admit I haven't gotten
it to work yet.  Suck transfers some articles from the server, and
makes a batchfile for innxmit, but innxmit wants to read from
/var/spool/news/out.going, which seems to be for articles headed the
other way. (I have to work on that too, but first read, then post :)

Does anyone else use suck+inn to get news offline, in that case I
would be happy if anyone could drop me a hint on how.  (If anyone uses
something else to do that, I would be happy to hear about that as
well... :)

 SSM - Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
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