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dosemu lredir don't redir :-(

I have dosemu 0.66.3-1. If I try to use lredir, like
C:\> lredir D: LINUX\FS\TMP"
I get 
"Error 3c redirecting drive D: to LINUX\FS\TMP

The error number is 3e, if I try to mount my mounted dos-partion under dosemu.

Dosemu also says in the be start, that D: is directory /, but
dir D: gives rubbish.

I have searched the net, and there seem to be no pointers to this. 
I don't won't to boot from my dos-directory, just access some files, so the 
hdimage as c: is fine with me.


  Jouni Rynö                     	Tel. (+358)-9-19294656
  Finnish Meteorological Institute      TLX 124436 EFKL FI
  Geophysical Research                  TFAX (+358)-9-19294603
  P.O.BOX 503                           Internet: Jouni.Ryno@fmi.fi
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  WWW: http://www.geo.fmi.fi/           WWW: http://www.geo.fmi.fi/~ryno/

  "It's just zeros and ones, it cannot be hard"

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