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Re: dosemu lredir don't redir :-(

>>>>> "Jouni" == Jouni Ryno@fmi fi <ryno@katiska.fmi.fi> writes:

    Jouni> I have dosemu 0.66.3-1. If I try to use lredir, like C:\>
    Jouni> lredir D: LINUX\FS\TMP" I get "Error 3c redirecting drive
    Jouni> D: to LINUX\FS\TMP

    Jouni> The error number is 3e, if I try to mount my mounted
    Jouni> dos-partion under dosemu.

    Jouni> Dosemu also says in the be start, that D: is directory /,
    Jouni> but dir D: gives rubbish.

    Jouni> I have searched the net, and there seem to be no pointers
    Jouni> to this.  I don't won't to boot from my dos-directory, just
    Jouni> access some files, so the hdimage as c: is fine with me.

I had this happen to me until I submitted to Bill's will and installed
msdos on my hard drive image. Then I could lredir.

Seems freedos can't use lredir. :(

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