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Re: Dat vs. Travan

I use an old 2/4 GB DAT... apparently, this oldest of DAT incarnations is
about the same speed as a Travan 4/8 (about 500kb/s for a SCSI travan). 
However... the newest DATs are pretty incredible. I recently used a DDS-3
Sony SDT-9000 that has 12/24 capacity (and it really did compress 2x, even
when backing up mostly applications -- this was on NT 4.0 -- eww). It
backed up at about 2MB/s, which beats everything, including the vastly
more expensive DLT, hands down. The SDT-9000 was about $1400 thru Dell...
I'm not sure what the street price is.

I guess if this kind of performance isn't necessary then you could go for
the Travan and save some money on the drive... but the extra speed of DAT,
higher capacity and cheaper media should tip the balance in favor of it --
especially for server-type applications, where timeframes for backup can
be limited.

Hope this rambling helps some...


>Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 12:07:11 -0400
>From: Behan Webster <behanw@verisim.com>

>We're just looking at buying some tape backup drives for our servers.

>I've used DAT's before, but now there's Travan too.

>Can anyone explain the pros and cons of DAT versus Travan tape drives?



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