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Vid card memory

I've recently added a 1Mb memory module to my Trident TGUi 9440 vid
card, giving a totla of 2Mb.  I'd done this with the expectation that I
could then use 600x800x2  (16-bit color = 2 bytes) = 960000 which is <
1Mb.  But when I try this (forcing 600x800 in XF86Config) X tries to
start and dies over and over (I must reboot from floppy).  Now my
thinking is that 1Mb means 1MegaBit, so 600x800x16 = 7.68 Mbits thus no
joy.  Have I finally got it right?  TIA for any light you all might add
to the heat of my fevered brain.

Ralph Winslow		      rjw@nac.net
Someday soon I really  MUST find a way to
piss away a LOT of bandwidth on this .sig

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