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trouble with MH


I sent this message several days ago, but saw no responses so I'm
suspecting I mailed it improperly.  If the original message was posted,
then sorry for the double post.

The problem is that I get the following error message when I try to
send a message using MH:

    post: problem initializing server; [BHST] premature end-of-file on socket
    send: message not delivered to anyone

I feel its just a matter of configuration.  Any suggestions?

Original message:
I normally use elm for my emailing needs, but I recently decided to
upgrade to mh and exmh.  I installed those packages and their dependencies
on my debian 1.3 system.  Everything seemed to install properly and looks
fine but I can't seem to send a message.  This is what happens:

    To: ken
    Subject: Test number 4
    This is a test of the mail system


    What now? send
    post: problem initializing server; [BHST] premature end-of-file on socket
    send: message not delivered to anyone

    What now? quit
    whatnow: draft left on /home/ken/Mail/drafts/4
    leisure:~> send -verbose -watch
    Use "/home/ken/Mail/drafts/4"? y
     -- Posting for All Recipients --
    post: problem initializing server; [BHST] premature end-of-file on socket
    send: message not delivered to anyone

I normally use elm on top of smail and this works great.  The man page
indicates that mh uses the installed mail transport system (smail), but it
apparently uses it differntly than elm does.

Here are the versions of the installed packages:

    leisure:~/Mail> dpkg -l | grep smail
    ii  smail           3.2-3          Electronic mail transport system.
    leisure:~/Mail> dpkg -l | grep mh
    ii  exmh            1.6.9-4        An X user interface for MH mail.
    ii  mh              6.8.4-13       A set of electronic mail handling programs.
    ii  mh-papers       6.8.3-1        The MH papers: A set of document on/about MH

BTW, I am trying to read the mh-papers to see if this might shed some light.
I'm currently having a little trouble compiling the documentation using teTex ;-)

Any suggestions?



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