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Re: Hardware advice: seeking echoes of running Linux-PC clusters

Neil Turton writes:
>   There is a loophole if there is a file-system problem on the root
> partition.  /etc/init.d/boot will drop you into a root shell if the
> root partition has serious errors on it.  Maybe there should be an
> option for securing the console which would stop root shells from
> popping up on the console without the root password being given.

What version of sysvinit do you use? 2.60-1 has a call of sulogin in


Michael Meskes                   |    _____ ________ __  ____
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meskes@informatik.rwth-aachen.de |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
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Use Debian Linux!		 | /____/_/      /_/  /____/\___/_/  /____/

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