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Re: Impresión remota usando cups y samba

On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 10:48:49PM -0300, Santiago Pastorino wrote:
> Lo hice por gusto, porque los métodos que dice el archivo
> README.Debian.gz no me funcionan.

yo asumí que habias leido la doc de cups:

   To configure SAMBA for CUPS, edit the smb.conf file and replace the
   existing printing commands and options with the line:
printing = cups
printcap name = cups

   That's all there is to it! Remote users will now be able to browse and
   print to printers on your system.

  Exporting Printer Drivers

   You can optionally export printer drivers from your CUPS server using
   the cupsaddsmb command and the SAMBA 2.2.0 or higher software.

   Before you can export the printers you must download the current Adobe
   PostScript printer drivers from the Adobe web site (
   http://www.adobe.com/). Use the free unzip software to extract the
   files from the self-extracting ZIP file containing the drivers; you

bueno, luego te explica cómo instalar los drivers postscript que te
indicaron en otro mail

se me ocurrió que con tu doble configuración de la impresora en el
smb.conf estabas "confundiendo" al samba, de ahí mi comentario....
se me ocurre que deberías darle otra oportunidad a la configuración



How come everyone's going so slow if it's called rush hour?

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