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Bug#78650: xdvi buttons have disappeared

"H. S. Teoh" <hsteoh@quickfur.yi.org> writes:
> [snip]
> > > Well, there must be a good reason for this, perhaps a simple one.
> > > Suggests a certain lack of compatibility between Xaw 6 in XF3 and XF4
> > > though.
> [snip]
> Yes, absolutely. I maintain an Xaw package (axe), and I had to do a lot of
> hacking to get it even just to compile on Xaw 7, and more hacking to get
> it to *work* with Xaw 7. Compiling under Xaw 6 in XF4 seems to have
> problems, though... currently, there's a bug against aXe that I don't know
> how to fix, because it compiles under Xaw 6 but doesn't work correctly. so
> if you want a permanent fix for this bug, I'd suggest you fix xdvi to work
> with Xaw 7. 

There's a couple of forked versions of xdvi isn't there?  Perhaps
someone has attacked this already.

For what it's worth I looked briefly at what might be going on and it
seems the button widgets etc are created at startup correctly, but the
main viewport is sized to the full top-level window size, so the
buttons are hidden away to the right (but resizing the top-level
doesn't help, I think the Form widget chaining might keep them in the
same positions relative to the right edge).  Pressing "x" twice
destroys and re-creates the buttons and in the process recalculates
the size for the viewport.

I'm not quite sure what's wrong in the startup case.  Presumably the
initial size calculations no longer work on unrealized widgets, or
something like that.  I don't know if xdvi is doing the wrong thing or
if something is broken in Xaw.

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