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Re: [Debconf13-ch] [Moray Allan] Re: DebConf13 venue decision meeting


On Fri, 2012-02-10 at 10:06 +0100, Luca Capello wrote:
> Hi there!
> On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 09:47:27 +0100, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> > As you can see below Moray is fine with the procedure suggested by
> > Didier. Unfortunately his reply only went to my address. IMO after this
> > mail we should switch back the discussion to the list. Unfortunately
> > this started in private and I did not want to move it to a public list
> > for that reason.
> >
> > So Luca, Michele and Cate please also fill the private Doodle poll if
> > you feel qualified to speak in behalf of the Swiss team. 
> I filled the private poll, even if I am not completely sure about the
> "feel qualified" note, especially after:
>   <http://lists.debconf.net/lurker-net/message/20120210.084604.93c9ceef.en.html>

I filled the poll too.
I think, as someone mentioned before, that at least someone who went to
Vaumarcus should be present.

I share a similar view with Luca's thought about the prices:

- Latvia will be alway cheaper than Switzerland and there is nothing we
can do.

- The prices can be negotiated only after the eventual decision is taken
(I think is harder to negotiate on an hypothetical situation).



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