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Re: [Debconf13-ch] [Moray Allan] Re: DebConf13 venue decision meeting

Hi all.

On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 09:47:27 +0100, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
As you can see below Moray is fine with the procedure suggested by
Didier. Unfortunately his reply only went to my address. IMO after this
mail we should switch back the discussion to the list. Unfortunately
this started in private and I did not want to move it to a public list
for that reason.

So Luca, Michele and Cate please also fill the private Doodle poll if
you feel qualified to speak in behalf of the Swiss team.

I filled the private poll, even if I am not completely sure about the
"feel qualified" note, especially after:


I filled the poll too.
I think, as someone mentioned before, that at least someone who went to
Vaumarcus should be present.

I share a similar view with Luca's thought about the prices:

- Latvia will be alway cheaper than Switzerland and there is nothing we
can do.

Depends on the point of view. First of all, I must say that the price per person for Vaumarcus is very good.

A debconf would perhaps be cheaper in Zurich, as the bunker costs are much lower and the venue is for free, but I am still not sure if one want's to live in a bunker for one or two weeks.

We still could add this as a plan b, if we are not able to collect enough funds.

Debconf13-ch mailing list

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