Re: booting qemu sparc gives black window
On 18/05/16 11:01, David Griffith wrote:
> On Wed, 18 May 2016, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
>> On 18/05/16 10:47, David Griffith wrote:
>>>>> Debian 8 installs QEMU 2.5. I upgraded to 2.6 with
>>>>> jessie-backports to
>>>>> no avail. None of your suggestions worked at all.
>>>> Hmmm I wonder if what you're seeing is a framebuffer issue with GTK? Do
>>>> you see any of the GTK menus at all around the black screen? What
>>>> happens if you try and connect to the framebuffer over VNC, e.g. adding
>>>> -vnc :1 to the command line and using a VNC client pointed at
>>>> localhost?
>>> No menus at all. The VNC client window is also black.
>> The only other thing I can think of is that the Debian packages don't
>> include the QEMU,cgthree.bin ROM file required to initialise the display
>> in the device tree. Can you see both this file, QEMU,tcx.bin and
>> openbios-sparc32 in /usr/share/qemu for your installation?
> I see only openbios-sparc32, not QEMU,tcx.bin or QEMU,cgthree.bin.
Ahhh so it appears that Debian have broken QEMU packages for
qemu-system-sparc :(
You should be able to grab the binaries directly from QEMU git at;a=tree;f=pc-bios;h=1cbe7b99f5fd330fab98804444b0d06f0c029b00;hb=a257c741491ff1c3c192d13a89c136dd6401c54d
- simply drop both files into /usr/share/qemu manually and see if that
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