Re: booting qemu sparc gives black window
On 18/05/16 10:02, David Griffith wrote:
> I've been trying to boot an old debian ISO under qemu sparc, but all I
> can get is a black screen unless I use the -nographic option. I start
> with this:
> qemu-img create -f qed sparcdisk.img 2G
> Then this:
> qemu-system-sparc -bios ss5.bin -vga cg3 -g 1152x900 -hda sparcdisk.img
> -cdrom debian-40r9-sparc-netinst.iso
> My host system is Debian 8.
Which version of QEMU is supplied with Debian 8? On a recent QEMU you
should find that OpenBIOS will boot all OSs on SS-5 machines, so no need
to provide an external ROM image. The following should work for you and
give a 1024x768 framebuffer:
qemu-system-sparc -vga cg3 -hda sparcdisk.img -cdrom
debian-40r9-sparc-netinst.iso -boot d
Otherwise I've just tried the following locally and it works fine here
on QEMU 2.6:
qemu-system-sparc -vga cg3 -cdrom debian-31r1a-sparc-businesscard.iso
-bios ss5.bin
Before each QEMU release I tend to boot debian-31r1a and debian-40r4a
ISOs through to userspace to make sure there are no regressions so I
would expect this to work.
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