On 18/05/16 10:34, David Griffith wrote:
On Wed, 18 May 2016, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
On 18/05/16 10:02, David Griffith wrote:
I've been trying to boot an old debian ISO under qemu sparc, but all I
can get is a black screen unless I use the -nographic option. I start
with this:
qemu-img create -f qed sparcdisk.img 2G
Then this:
qemu-system-sparc -bios ss5.bin -vga cg3 -g 1152x900 -hda sparcdisk.img
-cdrom debian-40r9-sparc-netinst.iso
My host system is Debian 8.
Which version of QEMU is supplied with Debian 8? On a recent QEMU you
should find that OpenBIOS will boot all OSs on SS-5 machines, so no need
to provide an external ROM image. The following should work for you and
give a 1024x768 framebuffer:
qemu-system-sparc -vga cg3 -hda sparcdisk.img -cdrom
debian-40r9-sparc-netinst.iso -boot d
Otherwise I've just tried the following locally and it works fine here
on QEMU 2.6:
qemu-system-sparc -vga cg3 -cdrom debian-31r1a-sparc-businesscard.iso
-bios ss5.bin
Before each QEMU release I tend to boot debian-31r1a and debian-40r4a
ISOs through to userspace to make sure there are no regressions so I
would expect this to work.
Debian 8 installs QEMU 2.5. I upgraded to 2.6 with jessie-backports to
no avail. None of your suggestions worked at all.
Hmmm I wonder if what you're seeing is a framebuffer issue with GTK? Do
you see any of the GTK menus at all around the black screen? What
happens if you try and connect to the framebuffer over VNC, e.g. adding
-vnc :1 to the command line and using a VNC client pointed at localhost?