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Re: Docbook two-side output for pdf

"Lee Archie" <larchie@lander.edu> writes:

> I've  tried both Docbook 3.1 and 4.1 and tried various
> formattingcombinations of db2xxx, sgmltools, jade, openjade, and so forth.
> Next I tried customizing Walsh's stylesheets, using other stylesheets such
> as freebsd.dsl, and finally writing my own driver--to no avail for two-sided
> output, but have customized margins, headers, and so forth successfully.
> I understand that this problem might be unique to particukar the Potato
> toolchain, since two-sided output  for pdf seems to work for the toolchain
> under Mandrake 8.1.  I.e., cf.,
> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/200110/msg00303.html
> I want to stay with Debian, if possible, and wonder if anyone can
> suggest what to try next. Admittedly, I am a beginner both with
> Docbook and Linux.

I'd like to fix this.  It's probably a jadetex package proble -- I
assume you're using jadetex/DSSSL?  If so, 

BTW, conventionally, on issues like this, I would suggest skipping
posting to debian-sgml list and just post a bug on the relevant
package (which is either jadetex or docbook-dsssl or poss. docbook-xsl
based on how you are processing the document).

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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