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Re: {debian,pkg}-science repository

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Leidert <daniel.leidert.spam@gmx.net> writes:

    Daniel> Shouldn't git-svn help here? I know several projects on
    Daniel> sf.net where authors use it to maintain the source locally
    Daniel> with git and "online" with subversion.

    Daniel> So people can choose to use svn or git for the same
    Daniel> project (never tested, but should be possible with some
    Daniel> extra effort).

I suppose you are probably correct. I'm just not sure about how much
extra effort is necessary to make git-buildpackage work with a git-svn
checked out repo. Out-of-the-box it doesn't work for me.

A random blog post I found suggests the problem might not be
completely trivial.


I'm willing to be convinced otherwise of course.


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