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Re: Packaging cucumber, osmlib-base, sys-proctable and georuby

Hi Christopher!

On Sun, Mar 03, 2013 at 11:54:36AM +0000, Christopher Baines wrote:

> Yep, that worked. I have now also put the dbf package on github [1] and
> submitted an ITP.

> 1: https://github.com/cbaines/ruby-dbf

Here are some comments on your package ruby-dbf:

* you didn't push the upstream branch, nor the pristine-tar branch to
  your github repo.
* debian/copyright: no need to put the text of Expat license twice:
  leave License: Expat line in each Files: paragraph. Create a
  standalone License: Expat paragraph with the text of the license.
* debian/control: the capitalization of dBase is inconsistence.
  ruby-fastercsv seems not unavoidable. I would put it in the
  Recommends: field. However, it is needed for the tests, so add it to
  build-depends. If you consider having these packages in the team
  repo, you will need to uncomment the VCS-* fields, and update them to
  more canonical url (replace git.debian.org by anonscm.debian.org for
  the first one, and by anonscm.debian.org/gitweb for the second)
* debian/ruby-dbf.docs: remove the first line and uncomment the second
* debian/dbf.1: remove the line: this manual page.... Instead, it would
  be nice to have some text describing what this tool/the library does. 
* bin/dbf: I am afraid the name is too generic. Should a suffix rb be
  added? The file bin/dbf make use of rubygems: you should patch it to
  remove this line.
* debian/ruby-tests.rake: the regexp to find the test does not match the
  tests shipped with the package. Replace './spec/*_spec.rb' by
* Two test fails with cowbuilder, due to encoding issue. This can be
  fixed by patching spec/dbf/record_spec.rb to add 
  	Encoding.default_external='UTF-8' if defined? Encoding

  or something similar at the beginning of the file.
* I would also patch out the first line of spec/spec_helper.rb to avoid
  the modification of $:



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