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new tool: pkg-overview + TODO for ondrej, terceiro, gwolf, daigo


I spent some time this morning trying to get a clean view of the git
repos. I wrote a script (pkg-overview) that displays a huge table with
everything. it's in git, as "pkg-overview". It's similar to what PET
provides, except it can be run locally.

There's another tool, called check-branches, which checks if all
required branches can be found.

This made me discover a few issues:
[ondrej] in ruby-activesupport-2.3, you need to git push --all ; git push --tags
[terceiro] git push --tags in ruby-shoulda-context
[terceiro] git push --tags in ruby-shoulda-matchers
[terceiro] git push --tags in ruby-pkg-config
[daigo] what's the state of ruby-odbc?
[gwolf] create + push pristine-tar and upstream in ruby-wirble
[gwolf] create + push pristine-tar in ruby-spreadsheet
[gwolf] create + push pristine-tar in ruby-barby

We are tracking the upstream's git in our git. I'm not sure we should do
that. It adds much noise (e.g to commit notifications).
What do you think?

Current (full) state:

Source                      |       Changelog |             Tag |         Archive | Status
==================== 0 ERROR: archive version newer than changelog version -- 1 packages ====================
ruby-activerecord-2.3       |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-3 | 0 ERROR: archive version newer than changelog version
==================== 0 ERROR: in Debian, but not tag -- 3 packages ====================
ruby-gnome2                 |         1.0.0-1 |                 |      0.19.3-2.1 | 0 ERROR: in Debian, but not tag
ruby-shoulda-context        |   1.0.0~beta1-1 |                 |   1.0.0~beta1-1 | 0 ERROR: in Debian, but not tag
ruby-shoulda-matchers       |   1.0.0~beta2-1 |                 |   1.0.0~beta2-1 | 0 ERROR: in Debian, but not tag
==================== 0 ERROR: unknown status -- 3 packages ====================
ruby-odbc                   |       0.99994-2 | 0.99994.libodbc-ruby |       0.99994-1 | 0 ERROR: unknown status
ruby-pkg-config             | 1.1.2~git20110615-2 | 1.1.2.git20110615-1 | 1.1.2~git20110615-2 | 0 ERROR: unknown status
ruby-shoulda                |   3.0.0~beta2-1 |           4.1.1 |   3.0.0~beta2-1 | 0 ERROR: unknown status
==================== 3 Not in Debian, ready to upload -- 4 packages ====================
ruby-bacon                  |         1.1.0-1 |         1.1.0-1 |                 | 3 Not in Debian, ready to upload
ruby-hikidoc                |         0.0.6-1 |         0.0.6-1 |                 | 3 Not in Debian, ready to upload
ruby-multibitnums           |         0.1.4-1 |         0.1.4-1 |                 | 3 Not in Debian, ready to upload
ruby-peach                  |           0.4-1 |           0.4-1 |                 | 3 Not in Debian, ready to upload
==================== 4 Work in progress -- 3 packages ====================
ruby-cairo                  |        1.10.0-3 |        1.10.0-2 |        1.10.0-2 | 4 Work in progress
ruby-ole                    | | | | 4 Work in progress
ruby-setup                  |         3.4.1-7 |         3.4.1-6 |         3.4.1-5 | 4 Work in progress
==================== 5 Not in Debian, work in progress -- 14 packages ====================
addressable-ruby            |         2.2.5-1 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
imagetooth                  |         2.0.1-1 |           2.0.1 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-activeldap             |         1.2.4-1 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-activesupport-dont-use |        2.3.11-1 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-bio                    |         1.4.1-2 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-builder                |         3.0.0-1 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-dataobjects            |        0.10.6-1 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-ferret                 |        0.11.6-3 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-gsl                    |        1.14.7-1 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-i18n                   |         0.5.0-1 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-policy                 |             0.0 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-rack-test              |         0.6.0-1 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-rqrcode                |         0.3.3-2 |                 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
ruby-thin                   |        1.2.11-1 |       1.2.4-1.1 |                 | 5 Not in Debian, work in progress
==================== 9 Up to date, nothing to do -- 74 packages ====================
ctioga2                     |           0.2-3 |           0.2-3 |           0.2-3 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
feed2imap                   |           1.0-2 |           1.0-2 |           1.0-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
gem2deb                     |           0.2.6 |           0.2.6 |           0.2.6 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
redmine                     |         1.1.3-2 |         1.1.3-2 |         1.1.3-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-actionmailer-2.3       |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-actionpack-2.3         |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-activeresource-2.3     |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-activesupport-2.3      |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 |        2.3.11-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-addressable            |         2.2.6-1 |         2.2.6-1 |         2.2.6-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-algorithm-diff         |          0.4-14 |          0.4-14 |          0.4-14 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-amazon-ec2             |        0.9.17-2 |        0.9.17-2 |        0.9.17-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-amrita                 |        1.0.2-10 |        1.0.2-10 |        1.0.2-10 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-amrita2                |  2.0.2+dfsg.1-3 |  2.0.2+dfsg.1-3 |  2.0.2+dfsg.1-3 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-barby                  |         0.4.3-1 |         0.4.3-1 |         0.4.3-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-bcrypt                 |         2.1.4-2 |         2.1.4-2 |         2.1.4-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-bdb                    |         0.6.5-7 |         0.6.5-7 |         0.6.5-7 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-bsearch                |           1.5-8 |           1.5-8 |           1.5-8 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-color-tools            |         1.4.1-1 |         1.4.1-1 |         1.4.1-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-daemons                |         1.1.3-1 |         1.1.3-1 |         1.1.3-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-diff-lcs               |         1.1.2-7 |         1.1.2-7 |         1.1.2-7 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-echoe                  |         4.5.6-1 |         4.5.6-1 |         4.5.6-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-event-loop             |           0.3-4 |           0.3-4 |           0.3-4 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-feedparser             |           0.7-2 |           0.7-2 |           0.7-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-fftw3                  |           0.4-3 |           0.4-3 |           0.4-3 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-globalhotkeys          |         0.3.2-3 |         0.3.2-3 |         0.3.2-3 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-gnuplot                |         2.3.6-1 |         2.3.6-1 |         2.3.6-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-highline               |         1.6.2-1 |         1.6.2-1 |         1.6.2-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-hmac                   |         0.4.0-1 |         0.4.0-1 |         0.4.0-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-hoe                    |   2.9.4+dfsg1-1 |   2.9.4+dfsg1-1 |   2.9.4+dfsg1-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-ipaddress              |         0.7.5-1 |         0.7.5-1 |         0.7.5-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-json                   |         1.5.1-2 |         1.5.1-2 |         1.5.1-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-lapack                 |           1.5-1 |           1.5-1 |           1.5-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-log4r                  |         1.1.9-1 |         1.1.9-1 |         1.1.9-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-maruku                 |         0.6.0-1 |         0.6.0-1 |         0.6.0-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-mecab                  |          0.98-5 |          0.98-5 |          0.98-5 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-mime-types             |          1.16-3 |          1.16-3 |          1.16-3 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-minitest               |         2.1.0-1 |         2.1.0-1 |         2.1.0-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-mocha                  |        0.9.12-1 |        0.9.12-1 |        0.9.12-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-narray                 |       0.5.9p9-1 |       0.5.9p9-1 |       0.5.9p9-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-ncurses                |         1.2.4-4 |         1.2.4-4 |         1.2.4-4 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-net-ldap               |         0.0.4-1 |         0.0.4-1 |         0.0.4-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-net-scp                |         1.0.4-1 |         1.0.4-1 |         1.0.4-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-net-sftp               |         2.0.5-2 |         2.0.5-2 |         2.0.5-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-net-ssh                |         2.1.4-2 |         2.1.4-2 |         2.1.4-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-net-ssh-gateway        |         1.0.1-4 |         1.0.1-4 |         1.0.1-4 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-net-ssh-multi          |           1.1-1 |           1.1-1 |           1.1-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-pgplot                 |         0.1.3-2 |         0.1.3-2 |         0.1.3-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-polyglot               |         0.3.1-1 |         0.3.1-1 |         0.3.1-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rack                   |         1.3.1-1 |         1.3.1-1 |         1.3.1-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rails-2.3              |        2.3.11-1 |        2.3.11-1 |        2.3.11-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rchardet               |           1.3-1 |           1.3-1 |           1.3-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rest-client            |         1.6.3-1 |         1.6.3-1 |         1.6.3-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rmagick                |        2.13.1-5 |        2.13.1-5 |        2.13.1-5 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-romkan                 |           0.4-7 |           0.4-7 |           0.4-7 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rspec                  |         2.5.0-1 |         2.5.0-1 |         2.5.0-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rspec-core             |         2.5.1-1 |         2.5.1-1 |         2.5.1-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rspec-expectations     |         2.5.0-2 |         2.5.0-2 |         2.5.0-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rspec-mocks            |         2.5.0-1 |         2.5.0-1 |         2.5.0-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-rubyforge              |         2.0.4-1 |         2.0.4-1 |         2.0.4-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-session                |         3.1.0-1 |         3.1.0-1 |         3.1.0-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-sinatra                |         1.2.6-1 |         1.2.6-1 |         1.2.6-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-spreadsheet            | | | | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-taglib2                |         0.1.3-1 |         0.1.3-1 |         0.1.3-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-termios                |         0.9.6-2 |         0.9.6-2 |         0.9.6-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-test-declarative       |         0.0.5-1 |         0.0.5-1 |         0.0.5-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-tilt                   |         1.3.2-1 |         1.3.2-1 |         1.3.2-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-tioga                  |          1.14-1 |          1.14-1 |          1.14-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-tmail                  | | | | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-tokyocabinet           |          1.31-1 |          1.31-1 |          1.31-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-transaction-simple     |         1.4.0-2 |         1.4.0-2 |         1.4.0-2 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-will-paginate          |        2.3.15-1 |        2.3.15-1 |        2.3.15-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-wirble                 |         0.1.3-3 |         0.1.3-3 |         0.1.3-3 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
ruby-xmlparser              |         0.7.2-1 |         0.7.2-1 |         0.7.2-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do
rubygems                    |         1.7.2-1 |         1.7.2-1 |         1.7.2-1 | 9 Up to date, nothing to do


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