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Re: Potato revision 1

Previously Anthony Towns wrote:
> That is, there shouldn't be any reason to run r0 instead of r1 or r3
> instead of r8.

Other way around: there shouldn't be a reason to run rN instead of r(N-x)
as well except for bugfixes. This is still potato folks, not potato-and-a-half
or so.

> Even adding alternative packages is a little risky: given a choice
> between postgresql 7 and postgresql 6, most people are going to just
> choose 7, although its likely to have had very little testing to see
> that it upgrades cleanly, and integrates well with everything else.
> So I probably didn't emphasise one thing about any new features people might
> want added: they have to be *very* bug free and *very* well tested.
> Of the above:
> 	* mozilla has 2 grave and 1 important bug (of which at least 71044
> 	  is probably real)

I'm not sure this is valid, M17 really has a lot less bugs then M14 and
no new ones as far is I can see. Strictly speaking we shouldn't update it

> 	* postgresql has 3 important bugs (one of which is just closed, and
> 	  the other two of which seem to be the same, but are at least real)

It's a new major upstream version, which hasn't been fieldtested very
long yet, has an upgrade-path that isn't what it should be yet, etc. In
other words imnsho it should definitely not be put into potato.

> 	* kdebase has an important bug, and hasn't had enough testing within
> 	  Debian

I really don't think we should move a beta version of a complete new desktop
environment into potato, no matter how popular it is.

> 	* there seem to be a good dozen RC bugs against the various woody
> 	  Gnome/GTK packages

Woody seems to have moved to development gnome stuff which is alpha or
barely beta quality. Moving that to potato would be a Bad Thing indeed.


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
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