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Re: Potato revision 1

On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 10:17:21PM +0200, Max Moritz Sievers wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> > I would very much like to see the following in r1:
> > - Mozilla M17, as it is much more usable than M14
> > - PostgreSQL 7.0, as it supports foreign keys (a very desirable thing to
> >   have for non-trivial databases), which 6.5 doesn't.
> >   Upgrading from 6.5 is quite tricky at the moment, so that would need
> >   improvement.
> I would very much like to see the following in r1:
> - KDE 2.0
> - GNOME 1.2 or 1.4

Pretty much the key goal for potato updates is:

	* it shouldn't break *any* working potato systems

That is, there shouldn't be any reason to run r0 instead of r1 or r3
instead of r8. If there's any risk of things breaking it needs to be
left for woody where we can spend time getting it widely tested, and fix
other stuff. Note that unlike the test cycles we don't really have *any*
possibility for testing updates to potato any more.

So adding new packages isn't too much of an issue: if they break, well,
it's not stopping you from doing anything you could have before. Updating
existing packages is more of an issue since that implies people not
having easy access to the old packages which is a bad thing if the new
one introduces new bugs, which, knowing software, it probably does.

Even adding alternative packages is a little risky: given a choice
between postgresql 7 and postgresql 6, most people are going to just
choose 7, although its likely to have had very little testing to see
that it upgrades cleanly, and integrates well with everything else.

So I probably didn't emphasise one thing about any new features people might
want added: they have to be *very* bug free and *very* well tested.

Of the above:

	* mozilla has 2 grave and 1 important bug (of which at least 71044
	  is probably real)

	* postgresql has 3 important bugs (one of which is just closed, and
	  the other two of which seem to be the same, but are at least real)

	* kdebase has an important bug, and hasn't had enough testing within

	* there seem to be a good dozen RC bugs against the various woody
	  Gnome/GTK packages

By contrast, console-apt has a dozen normal bugs some number of wishlists and
a inflated grave bug (now downgraded).


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

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