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Fixed dh-r (Was: Problems with recent r-pkg-team uploads)

On Sat, May 05, 2018 at 11:11:38AM -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> Please also see https://bugs.debian.org/897262

> The ${R:Depends} etc are not reflected for the set of 'Priority: Recommended'
> packages (that r-recommended depends upon, and which essentially every user
> of R should have).

No, the reason was rather that the source package name is different from
the binary package name. 

BTW, when I tried the package I stumbled again upon an unnecessary
versioned Build-Depends:

   Build-Depends: ..., r-base-dev (>= 3.5.0)

We discussed this before[1] and I tried hard to verify reason a) you
gave (R does not like it if you don't do it.) but failed.  Can you
please point me to some example for the warning?  There should be lots
of them around since lots of packages do not have the versioned

I repeat my plea to only insert Build-Depends if there is a good
technical reason like for instande in the DESCRIPTION of
r-bioc-biocinstaller (line 9):

  Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)

Thanks a lot for considering


PS: May be you like to try routine-update[3].  It solves some
    of the remaining lintian issues of lattice (secure uri in watch
    file, debhelper version).  You can fix the lintian errors by
    using seek_outdated_r-packages[4].

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-r/2018/03/msg00055.html
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/r-bioc-biocinstaller/blob/master/DESCRIPTION
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/maintenance-utilities/blob/master/routine-update
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/maintenance-utilities/blob/master/seek_outdated_r-packages


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