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Re: Bug #67746

On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 01:21:55PM -0400, Gerhard Poul wrote:
> > If you think a package should be doing this then file a  bug against the 
> > package.  Possibly with severity wishlist if it's not crippling, just 
> > annoying.

> IMHO it is much better to have a central list of changes in the release
> notes because it is much more user friendly to run apt-get upgrade without
> prompts. - But this is a matter of taste.  I'd like both approaches.

In practice, you're likely to find that release notes for the unstable
distribution change so infrequently that people ignore them until it's
too late.  People often do things like upgrading daily.

Note that debconf can be configured to be non-interactive - that's part
of what I was saying about SSH's warning not being 100% effective.  If 
you don't see the warning while you're still logged in it may be too 
late.  One of the things debconf is designed to do is allow people to
choose how interactive they want things to be.

> IMHO it should be possible for the package maintainers to create an entry
> in the release notes change database. (maybe a little shell script on 
> master.debian.org or a NEWS.Debian with user visible changes in every
> debian package which is imported semi-automatically into the release 
> notes.

Having a BTS package would probably do most of what you want.  We'd still
need someone providing editorial control, if only to give some structure
to things and ensure everything reads well.

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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