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Re: Bug #67746

On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 10:59:52AM -0400, Gerhard Poul wrote:

> What can be done for people like me who want to report on such problems and
> what can be done for maintainers who want to document such changes but
> don't know how?

The general method is to display a message during the upgrade (this
should be done using debconf these days).  Packages know from what
version they're being upgraded and can display warnings and update
themselves as the maintainer sees fit.

If you think a package should be doing this then file a  bug against the 
package.  Possibly with severity wishlist if it's not crippling, just 

> What has to be done to make such release notes a reality for every debian
> package inlcuding snmp? - in my opinion this _is_ release critical but
> there seem to be some maintainers who disagree with me.

Speak to the people maintianing the release notes.  There's extremely
little chance of getting any changes made to the actual package this
late into the release cycle - it's not a problem that's going to 
irretrevably hose someone's system or which renders the package useless,
it's just something that could come as an annoying surprise to people
upgrading.  Before the freeze or earlier on in the freeze it would have
been possible, but at this point it would hold up the release

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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