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Trac upgrade documentation (was: jQuery dependency for Trac 0.11)

Quoting "anatoly techtonik" <techtonik@gmail.com>:
That's not sufficient. To update Trac environment you will need to run
"trac-admin upgrade" and optionally "trac-admin wiki upgrade". The
second point is that web-servers (including Apache) treat symlinks
differently and I am unsure how to setup web permissions correctly if
symlinks lead outside of your environment.

I really have to check my setup. I'm using Apache (and WSGI).
Probably I allowed Apache explicitly to access certain paths.

Changing the semantics of the "trac-admin deploy" command is
something that I would prefer to be done by upstream. For
Debian it sounds like documenting the issue well, so that
people know, what they have to expect.

There is an open bug report anyway, that suggests and
"trac-admin upgrade" to be done automatically on every
upgrade of Trac. This is technically too difficult to solve,
because one never knows which environments exist (they
might not even be available at package upgrade time). Again,
this is sth. that should be documented clearly.

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