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Re: Banning Norbert Preining from planet.d.o

Sorry, the first mail was accidently sent direct to Jonathan. my mistake. 

Am 23.03.2022 um 09:25 schrieb Jonathan Carter <jcc@debian.org>:

> On 2022/03/23 09:37, Ingo Jürgensmann wrote:
>> So, are we now at a point where we ban people just because of some silly remarks in their posts and dislikes from single other persons?
> No, but I don't want people to keep feeling dread and wonder what he's going to say every time he blogs, and he's not being constructive, he hasn't been for a while, and this is by no means just about his last remarks, but about patterns of behaviour that he has had no interest in changing.
> If you wish to still follow his blog for some reason, you can still subscribe directly, but at this point it doesn't belong on Planet Debian.

My concern is not that I can’t read his blog anymore on planet.d.o (honestly, never read him), but how this issue has been addressed. As others already wrote: it shouldn’t be left to a single DD to decide whether or not to remove someone else from planet.d.o., but it should be left to the team to decide. 

Being a DPL doesn’t imply that you can act like you did in this case. Alas, I can understand that you might be annoyed by Norberts postings and argue that those are not „constructive“. But that doesn’t mean that this is valid for all readers of planet.d.o. 

What’s the point anyway? The complain was about this: 

> "most of my activity around Debian has come to a complete halt (Send your thanks to da-manager@debian.org!)“

Which rules are violated by this statement - except it might be received to be annoying for some people to read anything by Norbert? But being annoyed shouldn’t be a reason to ban anyone. 
There is this old Fidonet rule: 
• Don't be excessively annoying.
• Don't be easily annoyed.

Even when the statement by Norbert was annoying to others. I don’t think that this is excessibly annoying behaviour. But then again: it’s your own task to not be easily annoyed. 

IMHO, you overreacted in a rush. This can happen and is just human. But you should also have courage to admit this and revert your change and pass the decision to the planet.d.o. team. 

Ciao...          //    Web: http://blog.windfluechter.net
     Ingo     \X/     XMPP/Jabber:       ij@jhookipa.net
gpg pubkey:  http://www.juergensmann.de/ij_public_key.asc

Ciao...          //    Web: http://blog.windfluechter.net
      Ingo     \X/     XMPP/Jabber:       ij@jhookipa.net
gpg pubkey:  http://www.juergensmann.de/ij_public_key.asc

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