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Re: Fwd: protontypes wants to support the Debian Project with LibreSelery

> Where will the Coinbase balance go if someone doesn't sign up for
   their account?

It will go back into the sending wallet. This is also visible in the transaction history to consider for the future.

> This is going to spam a lot of people who don't have a Coinbase
   account and don't want one. How are you planning on mitigating this?

We are examining various measures here.

1. First of all these emails of course have an unsubscribe button. 

2. We are considering to send only one email per user. Since LibreSelery has the complete transaction history with all emails already used there is this possibility. With the skip_notification we can disable all the following emails. As soon as transactions come back after 30 days we can exclude the following transactions completely.

3. A CI scheduler gives us also the option to run LibreSelery once per month. In this way the number of emails can be reduced in general. I think that this option could be the best for most projects. 
It would also increase the total amount that is being sent out what makes the email more interesting. 

> BTW, the way Debian uses git on salsa for many teams (some just import
  new upstream release tarballs into git rather than pulling upstream
  git commits) means that funding would go to the Debian packagers
  rather than the upstream developers who wrote the code, which seems
  like the wrong thing to do.

I'm just a user of Debian and do not know your workflow in development. However, due to its free characteristics, it can be adapted to different wishes.
As long as these are technically possible and comply with the guidelines, we will be happy to help you adapt LibreSelery to different needs:
We also want to encourage other communities to create their own forks to experiment with this concept.

---- On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 06:11:36 +0200 Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org> wrote ----

On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 9:31 PM Tobias Augspurger wrote:

> 5. After the split is done, we distribute the money to the email address via the Coinbase API. You can define a custom note that will be attached to the Coinbase email. If the user does not have a Coinbase account to that email address, the amount will be deposited there for 30 days, informed by email about that and can withdraw the amount by opening the account.

This is going to spam a lot of people who don't have a Coinbase
account and don't want one. How are you planning on mitigating this?
Where will the coinbase balance go if someone doesn't sign up for
their account?

BTW, the way Debian uses git on salsa for many teams (some just import
new upstream release tarballs into git rather than pulling upstream
git commits) means that funding would go to the Debian packagers
rather than the upstream developers who wrote the code, which seems
like the wrong thing to do.



Tobias Augspurger
Mobile +4917643474156

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