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Re: Some thoughts about Diversity and the CoC

>>>>> "Norbert" == Norbert Preining <norbert@preining.info> writes:

    Norbert> Dear Pierre-Elliott, (I am not subscribed to d-p anymore)

    Norbert> thanks for your email. I would like to ask you for an
    Norbert> explanation:

    Norbert> On Sun, 22 Dec 2019, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
    >> If you have troubles with diversity and the fact that to protect
    >> it, we have to be more careful with minorities than we have to be
    >> with the regular majority, no one is forcing you to stay in the
    >> project.

    Norbert> Could you please tell me how you came to the conclusion
    Norbert> that I have troubles with minorities?

I think this may be a English issue.
In this message I'm simply trying to help explain Pierre-Elliott's
position, not to comment on it.

As I understand it, Pierre-Elliott is suggesting that if you have
trouble with the idea that we are more protective of minorities--that
when marginalized communities speak we are more tolerant of anger and
other emotions that can be perceived as uncivil--that you could leave.

I think your messages here over the last few weeks and your blog posts
(not sindicated on planet) would reasonably lead someone to the
conclusion you have a problem with that.


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