Re: Some thoughts about Diversity and the CoC
El 21/12/19 a las 17:53, Jonas Meurer escribió:
> Hello,
> Martina Ferrari:
>> As I said today elsewhere, allyship, diversity, and inclusion are empty
>> concepts when the bystanders -the people whose skin is not in the game,
>> whose humanity is not being discussed- remain silent, or are more
>> worried about tone. Do people actually care about making Debian a
>> welcoming place for minorities? Then speak up, take risks, or stop
>> pretending you care. And I don't mean sending requests to listmaster, I
>> mean putting your body and privilege in the front line.
> Thanks for writing this mail, Tina. You're totally right with what you
> wrote. It's frustrating to see that again and again a few very vocal
> voices keep dominating these discussions with disgusting and transphobic
> positions and language.
> While I do this a lot in other contexts, I usually don't take part in
> political discussions on Debian mailing lists. That's partly because of
> the language barrier, but mostly because I only have so much resources
> and Debian isn't my main field of activism.
> Still, I have to admit that I feel kind of caught at ignoring behavior
> in a community that I care about and that I feel part of. I guess this
> also has to do with Debian being a mostly virtual community (read this
> as "taking place on the internet"). Because I wouldn't think twice about
> getting involved when something comparable would happen in one of the
> non-digital communities I'm active in.
> So a least let me take this mail as an opportunity to express my
> solidarity and support for everyone who is struck by (or fights against)
> transphobic, sexist or otherwise discriminating behavior within (and
> outside of) Debian.
> And - once again: thanks Tina for standing strong (at least that's my
> perception). Also, thanks a lot to all of you who don't get tired to
> oppose each and every bigoted discriminating statement on Debian mailing
> lists. That's particularly directed to Tina, Rhonda, Russ, Steve, Enrico
> and Colin. It's awesome to see you fighting the struggle for diversity
> in Debian <3
> In solidarity
> jonas
I feel the same as Jonas, and also agree with what Dato said [1].
I have no good words to say but I would like to express publicly my
support to all the people facing discriminating or demeaning behaviour
because of how they are, or because of their work/struggle to defend
their identities.
I don't want to feed disgusting and hurting threads, but I understand
it's easy for me to ignore or "close", and not easy at all for the
people being insulted/denigrated.
I feel that their *reactions* should not be assessed the same as the
former and triggering behaviour.
Kind regards,
Laura Arjona Reina
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