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Re: Entrepreneurial freedom for the Debian Partners Programme

also sprach Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz@debian.org> [2015-04-03 08:57 +0200]:
> I'm prepared to accept pro-forma invoices from commercial organizations, based
> on their published pricing.  Although it could be argued that 1RU/1Gbps of
> hosting is the same no matter the location of the data centre, the reality is
> that pricing varies widely and attempting to normalize across markets is
> untenable.  In other words, my measuring stick is "what would it have cost
> Debian to put a server in that data centre, based on the published pricing".
> For academic institutions, we can find a corresponding commercial provider in
> their jurisdiction / country, perhaps.

Absolutely, iff we need the hosting, then we can rank it according
to market price.

However — I am not aware of prices for the type and volume of
hosting required — but I'd be surprised if it'd slot in to the
levels I'm imagining. I mean, look at
https://www.freebsdfoundation.org/donate/sponsors.shtml and think
about the market price of some of the hosting offers we get. At
most, they'd probably reach Bronze, if at all. And yet, it might
just be that the admins there give us special access or support
because they also use Debian etc. and suddenly you cannot weigh it
up against purely financial support anymore.

So I don't think the solution is quite that simple and I think we
shouldn't rule out the possibility to just name in-kind donations as
such, rather than to slot them in with financial scales.

> Finding a single service capable of providing crowdrise-like
> features AND a very wide variety of payment mechanisms may prove
> difficult.  That said, we can begin our search with this as
> a requirement.

I'm new to crowdrise. What's the story?

And couldn't crowdrise itself be (convinced to be) interested in
supporting Debian by waiving commissions on incoming donations?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.

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