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Re: [PPC64] Partman doesn't recognize our partitions


I have found an initrd.gz (32-bit) from 06/10/2017 [1]. I copied it to the onboard CF card and after that I booted it with the latest stable kernel 4.13.5 with the following commands:

CFE> ramdisk -z -addr=0x24000000 -fatfs cf0:initrd.gz

CFE> setenv bootargs "root=/dev/ramdisk"

CFE> boot -elf -noints -fatfs cf0:vmlinux-4.13

Unfortunately partman stops at 52%. The PPC32 initrd has the same problem. I have also found a Debian 8/Jessie initrd.gz (32-bit) from 20/07/2017 [2]. I also copied it to the onboard CF card and after that I booted it with the same CFE commands. Partman on the Debian8/Jessie initrd.gz (32-bit) works! It's possible to install Debian 8 and upgrade it to Debian 9/Sid. On the syslog console I saw that partman found all partitions! I could also test the Debian 8/Jessie PPC64 initrd.gz [3] if you like.


[1] https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/powerpc/20171006-00:12/powerpc/netboot/ [2] http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc/netboot/ [3] http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc64/netboot/

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