Please post the xorg.conf file of Powerbook g3 “oldworld” wallstreet model 4753
Please post the xorg.conf file of Powerbook g3 “oldworld” wallstreet model 4753.
Hi guys,
I managed to install the Dabian PPC etch r0 on my Powerbook g3 “old world” Wallstreet (model M4753). Don’t ask me how I did it was a nightmare (I am a newbie).
I am now busy with the xorg configuration.
I run the Xorg –configure but the file seems to be a little “empty” with lots of item like “standard device” and “standard driver”.
If I run Xorg –config I always have a lot of errors. I am solving this little by little editing the conf file in a trial/error mode.
If someone can post his PBG3 wallstreet xorg.conf file will be nice.
Another question: In the device section:
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "ati"
VendorName "ATI"
BoardName "3D Rage LT Pro"
ChipSet "ati"
ChipId 0x4c50
ChipRev 0xdc
BusID "PCI:0:17:0"
The line:
BusID "PCI:0:17:0"
Is it important where I can find the BusID ?
Any other hint are appreciated
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