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Re: XFS Install (was: HFS+ (MacOS) in contrast to EXT2 (Linux-i386))

At 10:23 AM +0200 9/19/01, Michel Dänzer wrote:
 > Woody has a patch for XFS.  It's against kernel 2.4.5.  There is NO
 kernel-source package for 2.4.5.  So there appears to be no way to do
 a debian package XFS kernel install at this time.

You can build kernel packages with kernel-package from any Linux tree.

ahhh, i'll have to learn how to do that next.  I'm used to just
compiling kernels on my own without using the Debian tools or patches.

I built -pre5 with the current woody gcc and it works fine. I remember
having to make a minor merge manually though, you might want to try
2.4.9 .

seems to have worked with a vanilla -pre10 and gcc 3.0.1 (didn't mean
to use that gcc, just forgot to change my symlink back).  I guess the
-preX series is merging lots of PPC stuff in now.

haven't actually booted the kernel that was built this way yet.

 drivers/block/block.o: In function `rd_ioctl':
 drivers/block/block.o(.text+0x2b64): undefined reference to `__put_user_bad'
 drivers/block/block.o(.text+0x2b64): relocation truncated to fit:
R_PPC_REL24 __

Are you using one of the PPC trees as a basis? PPC isn't fully merged
into Linus' yet AFAIK.

No, I wasn't sure I could apply an XFS patch against a PPC tree, or a
PPC patch against an XFS patched source so I avoided it.  Or is there
a PPC tree with XFS applied already?


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