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Re: The truth about Apple's fdisk (was: Re: imac install)

Ethan wrote:
> OK, I got annoyed enough to go test this, and i plan to write a
> simple howto for partitioning (you're all in trouble now im annoyed
> enough to write docs!)

Thank you for spelling this all out for me.  I'm sorry that I haven't
given you any feedback on this until now.  I'm in the middle of 
selling one house and buying another -- not much time for play
in my world for a while.

I have managed to squeeze in a few iterations of your recipie,
though, and have always managed to get stuck in the same place...

> now hit C to create the 800K Apple_Bootstrap partition.
> hit c for each linux partition you want.
> once your done w to write the table.
> install linux, configure ybin run mkofboot to setup yaboot.  
               +----- right here.

Configuring ybin can't happen unless I can manage to get the
ybin stuff on my linux partition immediately after installation,
before the first reboot, because if the box goes down, I can no
longer boot into linux  (with the HFS partition at the end of 
the volume, breaking yaboot's ability to find its config file
there).  Since I have no removable storage devices on this box,
and can't seem to get it on the network during the initial 
install, I'm looking for ideas: how do I get ybin on there before 
it goes down?

I'm going to try to figure out what it would take to help yaboot
find its default configuration file properly in my copious free
time barring some insight from the list.  Plan B will be to figure
out how to make ybin work even if the Apple_Boostrap partition
isn't the first one.  

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