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Re: [PROPOSAL] Full text of GPL must be included

>>"Thomas" == Thomas Bushnell, BSG <tb@becket.net> writes:

 Thomas> The GPL speaks of what you distribute.  When you put a bunch
 Thomas> of pieces up on a web site, the question of whether you
 Thomas> intend to distribute the pieces or only the combined whole is
 Thomas> a question of what your intention is.  One indication of
 Thomas> Debian's intention is that it advertises individual .debs for
 Thomas> download.

	Please show me one place where we advertize individual debs
 which are not meant to be upgrades of an existing Debian system,
 which already has to contain the GPL.

	Indeed, we say (release notes of the releases, etc) that by
 definition Essential packages are those without which you shall not
 have a working system, we reiterate that removing the essential
 packages break your system. It has always been our intent to provide
 software for Debian systems; and to imply otherwise seems
 disturbingly like going out of ones way to assume the worst. 

 The computer is to the information industry roughly what the central
 power station is to the electrical industry. Peter Drucker
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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