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Re: non-free suggestions again (was Re: weekly policy summary)

Chris Waters <xtifr@dsp.net> writes:

> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:
> Yes, I argued exactly the same point when this thread came up before
> (on -private, where it never belonged, imo).  But note that both of
> the proposals I mentioned would solve this quite handily -- the
> information would be available to anyone who has the non-free package
> sources in her package list, and only be hidden to those who
> (deliberately, one assumes) don't have a source of non-free packages
> listed.  
> This seems to me to make sense in any case, since there's not much
> point in suggesting a package which isn't available.  It's a bit hard
> to install a non-free package if you don't have a source for non-free
> packages!  :-)

Maybe I only have a main mirror out of ignorance. I would never know
that there were non-free packages and thus would miss some features.

Some people want the suggests for non-existing packages, some
don't. It must be a switch.

May the Source be with you.

PS: What should happen if there is a suggest for something in main
that can't be met, e.g. because the version is outdated?

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