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Re: DebCamp work for pkg-perl?

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Joey Hess wrote:
> Martín Ferrari wrote:
>> Most surely I'm missing something, but what's cdbs ignoring? It lets
>> you use dh-specific files and also pass arguments via variables...
>> Aren't those the two ways of comunicating with dh_*?
> With CDBS you're building a ship in a bottle. You have all the same
> tools available, but there's this bottle in the way, which doesn't let
> you bring any of them fully to bear, and requires all your techniques be
> changed around to fit its limited interface.
> This is a beautiful example of the kind of fun you're setting yourself up
> for by chosing CDBS. With debhelper, two commands can be easily
> reordered. With CDBS, you need three magic environment variables and
> either a hardcoded package name or some grody Makefile code:
> 	http://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2008/01/msg00039.html

I've been working a lot with perl packages and CDBS (all my packages
were in CDBS when I maintained them alone) and I must admit it's trivial
when they use MakeMaker is:

include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/perlmodule.mk

        rm -rfv debian/libclass-accessor-lvalue-perl/usr/lib

And with Module::Build which is not supported actually by perlmodule.mk:

include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk

        /usr/bin/perl Build.PL --installdirs vendor --destdir $(DEB_DESTDIR)
        ./Build test
        ./Build install
        rm -rfv debian/libtest-distribution-perl/usr/lib/
        rm -rfv _build/
        rm -rfv blib/*
        rm -fv Build

I can't see anything hard in this differente to "I don't know that system".

I rather prefer this, writing little scripts that writing a lot, Why?
Because there are fewer parts where you can make an error.

And I did maintain by myself up to 17 perl packages without needing to
change the debian/rules once I wrote it.

One thing for sure, the environment variables of debhelper.mk are not
well documented by there's anything you can't see while reading a little
that makefile, a grep use to work for finding out which variable you
should use to modify whatever you want.

- --
Jose Luis Rivas. San Cristóbal, Venezuela. PGP: 0xCACAB118
http://ghostbar.ath.cx/{about,acerca} - http://debian.org.ve
`ghostbar' @ irc.debian.org/#debian-ve,#debian-devel-es
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