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Re: Perl 5.6.0 Is Here!

>>>>> "Chip" == Chip Salzenberg <chip@valinux.com> writes:
    Chip> In that case, code inside e.g. mod_perl would need to see
    Chip> $Config{useshrplib} eq 'true', while code in perl programs
    Chip> executed by /usr/bin/perl would need to see
    Chip> $Config{useshrplib} eq 'false'.

I would seriously question that *any* code other than MakeMaker looks
at useshrplib.  And MakeMaker is still being invoked by perl, not an
application with perl embedded in it, so making Config.pm smarter
wouldn't help.

    Chip> It _does_?!  I can't find a thing about that anywhere.  --

The last time I was wandering through Makefile.SH, I'm sure I saw the
shared lib targets, they're just not invoked in the standard 'make;
mate test; make install' sequence unless useshrplib is true. Using

  make libperl.so

should still Do The Right Thing.

If that turns out not to be true, I'll happily write the patch that
prevents my being a liar. :)


"So if she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood."... "And
therefore?"... "A witch!"

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