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Re: Perl upgrade : part 2

On Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 10:23:37AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Ok, that's what I said. :) The package above DO conform to perl policy and
> lintian procudes bunch of such warnings :
> /rack/perso/paquets@p200$ lintian libmldbm-perl_2.00-5_all.deb 
> W: libmldbm-perl: perl-script-needs-dependency "perl" usr/lib/perl5/MLDBM.pm require Tie::Hash

Ok, here's the deal...

If there is an "OR" in the depends line dealing with the perl modules, the
lintian check will fail.  I think I can put in a special case for
perl|perl5 and perl5|perl.  Will that be enough?

Do you expect perl-5.005|perl-5.004 or perl5|perl-5.004 or any other
permutations.  Since "perl" is only supposed to last until release, I'm not
as concerned about that.  There will probably be a lot of people using
perl|perl5 until then so I don't mind using that but the rest...?

> Simply correcting this for lintian 1.5 would be cool ...
That's the goal.  I though I had it licked until I found the OR problem.
If there are no other likely "ORs", it should be uploaded a day after I get
an answer to this question and to:

Here is an example of the module dependency line.  What "other" packages
might be in the depends line, specificly, that would satisfy?

CGI/Fast.pm                               perl|perl5|perl-5.004|perl-5.005

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