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Re: Office Applications

Dear Karsten,

Thanks for your help.

   $ apt-get update
   $ apt-get install abiword gnumeric

Well, Ofcourse.
But can you tell me your apt sources was?

If you're on 'stable', you're likely working with old versions of both
apps.   The versions in Woody and Sid are quite up-to-date, and are
largely compatible with other formats, including MS Word and MS Excel,

I use potato (2.2.r4?) with abiword release 0.7.7 and gnumeric release 0.47. You mean on woody releases there's new version of these two? I've went to debian-ftp site yesterday, try to search the .debs for gnumeric and abiword, but I can't find them. I'll try again today.

You might also look at the KOffice suite as an alternative.
Nope, thanks.

K is not an alternative for me.

This paragraph doesn't make sense.

sorry, I meant, I go to abisource.org and gnumeric websites (on GNOME webs) but I couldn't find any .debs packages, only rpms.

Post the commands or procedures you're using to update, and the response
or errors you're getting back.

I will, but first I must know where to look for the updates, right?

Best Regards,

arief muLya
"There's always a light in the heart of ones who Love"

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