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Re: Hi, packaging mldonkey, rpath + other questions

On Sat, Sep 07, 2002 at 10:09:50AM +0200, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> I'm packaging mldonkey and on debian-mentors it was suggested to join
> this ML. So here I am.


> 1. lintian complains about rpath being set. How do I tell ocamlopt to
> not use rpath?

In my experience in many case the rpath is unavoidable don't know if
this is your case or not.
Anyway for objective caml the rpath is not too bad as it can be for
standard system libraries, in particular if you have an rpath defined
against an ocaml shared object (.so or .dll) that resides in
/usr/lib/ocaml/stublibs you have not to worry at all because is granted
that this file will reside here on a debian system.
Could you give more details about the lintian complain?

Anyway this rpath issue is still an open question even for us.

> 2. mldonkey uses ocamlopt.opt but ocamlopt works as well. Which of the
> two should I use? Should I build-depend on eigther or conflict with
> one?

See the ocaml packaging policy for more info. Anyway the question is
that ocamlopt.opt is a more performant compiler, but it requires more
time to start working and require an additional package
(ocaml-native-compilers) to be installed on the build daemon.

If the build process of mldonkey is really 'heavy' at gains a lot from
being compiled with ocamlopt.opt go for it (build depending on
'ocaml-best-compilers' IIRC), otherwise use the standard ocamlopt.

> 3. Are there any archs that don't have a ocamlopt? At the moment I
> don't build bytecompiled versions of mldonkey but that would be easy
> to change.

Is pretty bad to build only native compiled code and, yes, there are
some archs that don't have ocamlopt.
You can choose various approaches, mainly: build bytecode only version
of mldonkey everywere (conservative solution, but time consuming if
mldonkey requires intensive cpu bound computation, even if I doubt this
is the case ...) or build nativecode where available and bytecode
The usual debian/rules file carries a build target which lines like:

  $(MAKE) all
  -test -x /usr/bin/ocamlopt && $(MAKE) opt

> 4. Anything else that I should be aware of?

Yes, please read the ocaml packaging policy if you haven't yet.


Stefano Zacchiroli - undergraduate student of CS @ Univ. Bologna, Italy
zack@cs.unibo.it | ICQ# 33538863 | http://www.cs.unibo.it/~zacchiro
"I know you believe you understood what you think I said, but I am not
sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant!" -- G.Romney

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